Author Profile

Douglas is passionate about the ministry of music and worship. Before relocating to the United Kingdom, he served in various capacities including worship leading for over 15 years at his local church in Accra, Ghana.

Douglas was involved in the charismatic movement in the 1980's after accepting the Lordship of Jesus over his life. He joined the Christian fellowships during his Secondary School and University years; where it quickly became apparent that he had the "gift" to lead worship during fellowship meetings.

After developing a closer walk with God over the years, he began to question the "unspoken" status quo about worship. He discovered that true worship of God was more than gathering together in a church building, singing songs, dancing and "having a good time". As far as Douglas was concerned, to engage in the expressive side of worship without a lifestyle consistent with biblical standards was just a waste of time and did not please God.

He began asking himself what he could do about this and felt led to put his experiences and knowledge into writing.  The material for the book was collated many years ago, however he did not feel the timing to publish it was right until May 2011 when his Pastor preached an inspirational message during a meeting for Christians aspiring to make a difference in their area of influence. Douglas heard an inner voice (which he believes was the Holy Spirit), say to him "It's time to publish this book". That's when he knew he had the go ahead to complete the book.

Douglas is a professional web developer and has expertise in Front-End development, Microsoft SharePoint Administration and WordPress Installation and development.

Besides his passion for God and his Kingdom, his other interests include entrepreneurship, technology, blogging and sports. Douglas and his wife, Julia are members of Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC), London.

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